The Next Generation Juvenile Justice Information System (NG JJIS) is being developed to replace the legacy mainframe application that was initially designed in the 1980's and implemented in 1997. The NG JJIS application will be a secure, web-based, user friendly application, designed to serve the needs and requirements for information sharing of the Juvenile Justice Information Committee (JJIC) member-agencies. The member-agencies include the four county Police Departments, the four county Prosecuting Attorneys, the four circuits of the Family Court, the Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility and the Department of the Attorney General.
The scope of the strategic plan is not limited to the development of the NG JJIS application, i.e. an Information Technology strategic plan, but also includes the JJIC member-agencies' interactions within the context of the NG JJIS. It involves how each agency's goals and initiatives related to juvenile justice impact the juvenile justice system. The NG JJIS will provide the facility to collect the data from all of the participating agencies and align them so analysis and evaluation of the data may be performed.
The goal, vision and strategic objectives were initially defined as part of the NG JJIS Conceptual Design process so the JJIC members could formulate ideas as to the direction the NG JJIS was heading. This strategic plan was developed parallel to the NG JJIS Detailed Design effort to include the prioritized requirements and policy statements that were identified to move forward as part of the detailed design. The NG JJIS Strategic Planning Subcommittee worked to refine the goal, vision and strategic objectives, develop tasks to achieve the strategic objectives and define performance measures. NCA/NCF