The Milton Eisenhower Foundation will continue to replicate scientifically proven model programs in identified sites around the country. These "Multiple Solutions" programs are designed to affect numerous outcomes, improving school achievement levels and quality of life conditions not only for "at risk" youth, but also their families, schools, communities, and ex-offenders and within targeted communities. Eisenhower Foundation will replicate the following model programs: 1) Youth Safe Haven Police Mini-stations, linking local officers with trained mentors who work intensively with at risk youth, aged 6-12, providing after school programs; 2) Quantum Opportunities Program, a computer based remedial education and mentoring program for older at-risk high school students; 3) Delancey Street educational and rehabilitative program for adult ex-offenders and substance abusers, teaching a multitude of academic and living skills to individuals; 4) A capacity building initiative for nonprofit organizations engaged in the above kinds of programs and related programs designed to reduce crime, reduce drugs, reduce fear, develop youth, improve education performance and provide training. Eisenhower's 2 main goals are to: 1) Improve youth development outcomes among participating youth, and 2) reduce crime in the targeted neighborhoods. Desired outcomes include: a) Keeping youth aged 6 to 18 in school or alternative school, b) Improving school performance via homework labs, c) Developing youth for responsible adulthood, d) Keeping youth positively engaged and out of trouble, e) Improving quality of life in the community, and f) Increasing trust among police, youth and the community. The Eisenhower Foundation will design and implement evaluation plans for each type of program replication. For example, for grantees will track attitude and behavior change around sobriety, educational goals, compliance with court orders, school attendance, standardized test scores, graduation rates, school based crimes, etc. Eisenhower will utilize surveys, comparison groups, and other measurement tools to track progress. The grantee will report on these outcomes and measures to OJJDP in their Categorical Assistance Progress Reports.NCA/NCF