This project is designed to coordinate, broker and provide traning and technical assistance services to the five Safe Kids/Safe Streets (SK/SS) demonstration sites and the 11 Safe Start (SS) demo sites.
The SS project seeks to prevent and reduce the impact of family and community violence on young children. Strategies for preventing exposure to violence and for improving intervention are being implemented by systems change activity to integrate local service delivery systems in each of the participating communities. These service delivery systems include early childhood education, child development, health, mental health, family support and strengthening, law enforcement, substance abuse prevention and treatment, courts, and legal services.
The SK/SS initiative is focused on breaking the cycle of victimization and reducing the incidence of delinquency later in life. The initiative seeks to ensure child safety by improving community responses to child and adolescent abuse and neglect. Collaboration and systems reform to link communities and families to child welfare, juvenile justice, public safety, and human service systems are principal elements in this initiative as well.
Both projects rely on a partnership between the program office, demonstration sites, evaluators and T&TA providers to ensure that each site has the resources and expertise it needs to realize its ultimate goals.