Williams Unified School District is the fiscal agent for Williams Alliance Against Drug Abuse (WAADA). The coalition serves the city of Williams, Arizona and the greater Williams area, including, Valle, a suburban area with a combined population of 4,302. To achieve the two goals of reducing substance abuse among youth and of strengthening community anti-drug coalitions, the coalition will implement the following strategies:
1) initiate and facilitate a long-range Community/School Visioning process that includes teachers, parents, school administration, agency members, the business sector, etc.;
2) implement a "Community of Character Initiative" based on Character Counts!;
3) increase school/community partnerships as a means for strengthening youth leadership and for increasing role models for youth;
4) use the media to increase community awareness of substance abuse and to decrease tolerance of use;
5) collaborate with the schools to increase academic achievement, social/emotional skills, commitment to school, and to decrease dropout rates of students attending Williams Unified School District;
6) increase family management skills and knowledge of teen prevention, and decrease parental approval of drug/violence;
7) decrease individual/peer risk factors of youth and increase protective factors by providing training and implementation of high school youth in peer tutoring and mentoring programs; and
8) collaborate with federal, state, local and private, non-profit, and faith-based agencies that promote and support helping youth use time constructively, develop pro-social and emotional skills, a positive sense of self, and youth empowerment. CA/NCF