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Drug-Free Communities Support Prg

Award Information

Award #
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2000, $99,214)

The Center for Alcohol and Drug Services, Inc. is the fiscal agent for the Quad City Red Ribbon Coalition serving Scott County, Iowa. Scott County has a population of approximately 158,000 and encompasses the urban areas of Davenport and Bettendorf which are surrounded by rural communities. The goals of the program are to: 1) reduce substance abuse among youth; 2) strengthen families; 3) increase peer support for healthy lifestyles; and 4) build community assets while strengthening community collaboration. To achieve these goals the coalition will implement the following strategies:
1) Develop and implement an asset-focused Red Ribbon Campaign;
2) Promote cultural competency;
3) Monitor family clearinghouse and web sites;
4) Develop Family Resource Centers;
5) Promote effective family-focused prevention programs;
6) Implement and evaluate Drug Free Youth in Touch (DFYIT) programs in area middle and high schools; and
7) Promote and enhance the youth leadership program and youth speaker bureau.

Date Created: September 26, 2001