OJJDP's National Youth Justice TTA project will coordinate the services of multiple training and technical assistance providers to organize a comprehensive and robust program of training and technical assistance needed to support States and Territories in their implementation of their Title II Part B Formula Grant program grants. The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) and their affiliate the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) will offer States and Territories access to skilled, tailored, on-site and virtual support designed to strengthen their capacity to comply with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act core requirements, administer their Formula Grant awards and subawards, and strengthen their individual juvenile justice systems.
NCJJ, in collaboration with OJJDP, will offer up to 4 states and territories access to skilled, tailored, on-site and virtual training and technical assistance to improve their data capacity. NCJJ will develop data tools, technical assistance and training for Designated State Agencies (DSAs) to improve their capacity to support compliance with the Title II Formula Grants Program and the development and implementation of state plans.
NCJJ and NCJFCJ will collaborate with other organizations funded under this program as part of an ongoing policy roundtable that brings together membership organizations from key stakeholders in the youth justice field to support states and territories in their compliance with the Title II Formula Grants Program. NCJJ and NCJFCJ will also work cooperatively with OJJDP program managers, and participate in regularly scheduled coordination meetings with the other grantees under this program. Coordinating efforts from various providers will be important as specific issues and challenges arise related to the core requirements, state planning activities and State Advisory Group recruitment or training, as well as other related issues.