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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

New Mexico FFY 2022 Title II Formula Grant Application

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $602,573)

The purpose of New Mexico’s federal fiscal year 2022 Title II Formula Grants Three-Year Plan is to ensure New Mexico’s compliance with the four core requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act and to provide prevention and treatment programs and services to youth at-risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system.

The Children, Youth and Families Department has determined the following primary activities and related products and deliverables for Title II funding: Mental Health (Program Area T) & Substance Abuse (Program Area K) services to pilot strategies to address service gaps; School (Program Area E) and Afterschool (Program Area Q) services to pilot strategies to address service gaps for youth referred or at risk of referral to juvenile probation; Native American Tribe programs to pilot tribal justice services; Community-Based programs and services (Program Area B) to access local services for youth in detention; Planning & Administration to ensure compliance with the JJDPA’s core requirements and manage delivery of the Three-Year Plan; State Advisory Group support, and Juvenile Justice System Improvement to maintain the Grant Management System and support system improvement training. The result will be a broad range of innovative services and approaches to best serve New Mexico’s target population with culturally appropriate evidence-based services and best practices that can be shared across local Continuums.

The service plan involves developing a Grant Proposal process (RFA or RFP) to solicit proposals or applications that describe the goals, activities, and expected outcomes to be funded. These pilot grants will be available to private/nonprofit organizations, schools, state agencies, and local units of government. The planned outcome is to establish successful federally-funded pilot programs that can be expanded using state funds. The target population is juveniles arrested or referred to juvenile probation; or are at risk of such referral.  Applicants will identify local program needs and execute their goals and objectives in coordination with New Mexico’s Three-Year Plan.  They will also provide the State Advisory Group with feedback regarding issues, outcomes, and obstacles encountered at the community-based level.

Progress will be measured through a process for each subgrant which includes monthly reports, desk audits, and site visits, and reporting via OJP’s web-based JustGrants system. No portion of the project budget is planned to conduct research.

Date Created: December 22, 2022