Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $914,816)
The New Jersey Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Committee has identified the following priorities: Aftercare/Reentry, Delinquency Prevention, School Programs, Compliance Monitoring, Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED), Girls, Juvenile Justice System Improvement, and State Advisory Group (SAG). The JJDP Committee fulfills its purpose by working to achieve the following goals: hold forums to increase knowledge and awareness of post high school education and employment opportunities; ensure equitable treatment of youth involved in the juvenile justice system; reduce recidivism and increase the success of youth returning home after incarceration; ensure that at-risk young women are provided gender responsive services; develop school based programs aimed at reducing discipline referrals, suspensions, and delinquency charges; ensure compliance with the JJDP Act; provide positive youth development activities for at-risk youth; and improve law enforcement and youth interaction.. Funds will not be used to conduct research.
These goals will be met through the following activities:
• Support state level initiatives to improve the juvenile justice system in New Jersey, such as hosting post-secondary education forums for at-risk youth and youth involved in the juvenile justice system;
• Collect, analyze, and disseminate current information that increases knowledge of ongoing RED issues in order to develop strategies to address RED statewide;
• Support aftercare/reentry programs for youth released from Juvenile Justice Commission programs and facilities;
• Develop school based programs aimed at reducing discipline referrals, suspensions, and delinquency charges;
• Support girls with opportunities to grow, develop a positive self-image, develop skills, and connect with community resources to meet their needs and help achieve their goals;
• Provide funds for a Compliance Monitor to ensure New Jersey’s compliance with the JJDP Act by monitoring local and state secure facilities that may hold juveniles;
• Provide positive youth development activities to at-risk youth;
• Support efforts to improve law enforcement and youth interaction while promoting public safety; and
• Support SAG activities.
The JJDP Committee will measure progress through the mandatory output and outcome measures identified in each program area. These measures will include but not be limited to: the number of youth served; percentage of youth exhibiting changes in targeted behaviors; number of youth completing program requirements; and the number and percent of youth who have offended or reoffended.
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