Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $750,000)
The Youth and Family Treatment Court (YFTC) Enhancement and Expansion Project will help to increase participant recovery , but also increase community health by inviting community providers into the program and community outreach to provide knowledge of resources available to families outside of the system. The focus of this project is to expand available evidence-based treatment services for participants and youth during and after completion of the project while building recovery supports for long-term recovery. This will be completed by extensive community outreach, increasing provider contracts, implementing recovery capital structure and increasing family engagement while maintaining accurate tracking dashboards to provide measurable outcomes. Community outreach will allow an increase in program contracts with providers, increase knowledge of the court and increase community health by completing a community resource event open to the public. Technical assistance will be utilized to train stakeholders on recovery capital and implement sustainable structure to measure and increase necessary recovery supports for participants. Family engagement will be accurately measured and increased with support of the YFTC family engagement coordinator. Tracking dashboards will be utilized to ensure accurate performance measure reporting and analysis of changes to the court. The changes made during the YFTC Expansion and Enhancement Project will not only benefit participants of the court and their families, it will also increase the effectiveness of the court creating a structure with increased fidelity to the OJJDP juvenile drug treatment court guidelines and sustainable practices at the completion of the project.
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