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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

OJJDP 2022 Listening Sessions


Over the summer, OJJDP hosted a series of listening sessions and town halls with stakeholders, national partners, and youth. The sessions provided OJJDP an opportunity to learn about practitioners' challenges and successes, as well as the lived experience of youth with the juvenile justice system. Feedback from these events will inform OJJDP's approach in advancing the Office's three priorities:

  • Treating children as children.
  • Serving young people at home with their families, in their communities.
  • Opening up opportunities for youth involved in the juvenile justice system.

Feedback from the discussions will help OJJDP:

  • Improve its services to more effectively meet the needs of justice-involved youth.
  • Identify gaps and barriers youth face in accessing resources in their communities.
  • Create opportunities for youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
  • Refine its vision of racial equity and fairness in juvenile justice.
  • Center youth and families impacted by the juvenile justice system.

Listening Session Key Takeaways and Notes

Participating Organizations

Organizations from 41 states, 1 territory, and the District of Columbia have attended OJJDP's 16 listening sessions. The organizations listed below have participated in the listening sessions or provided feedback to OJJDP. 

Submit Your Input

We would like to hear from you! Submit your feedback on the Office’s priorities.

Date Created: July 14, 2022