Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Library & Multimedia

Newsletter - Monthly - Card
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, July 2024

The July newsletter highlights the Children's Justice Project, the Border Youth Resiliency Project, Administrator Liz Ryan’s remarks at a convening of Strategies To Support Children Exposed to Violence grantees, and a podcast series about OJJDP grantees funded under the Second Chance Act Youth Reentry initiative.

OJJDP Administrator Ryan Announces FY23 Building Local Continuums of Care to Support Youth Success Award

On April 11, 2024, OJJDP Administrator Liz Ryan announced the inaugural cohort of grantees for the FY 2023 Building Local Continuums of Care To Support Youth Success initiative.

Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2020: Selected Findings

Nationally, 25,014 youth charged with or adjudicated for an offense were held in 1,323 residential placement facilities on October 28, 2020.

Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2020

In 2020, juvenile courts in the United States handled 508,400 delinquency cases that involved youth charged with criminal law violations, 28% less than the number of cases handled in 2019. 

Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2020

The number of delinquency cases judicially waived peaked in 1994 at 13,000 cases, more than double the number of cases waived in 1985. Judicially waived delinquency cases decreased 77% to its lowest level in 2020, when juvenile courts waived an estimated 3,000 delinquency cases.

Publication Types

OJJDP produces different types of publications and products, including Newsletters, Bulletins, Fact Sheets, Reports, and Portable Guides.

 Learn About Types of OJJDP Publications

OJJDP Annual Reports

Annual Reports describe the Office's activities in a specified fiscal year.​

Access OJJDP Annual Reports

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About Multimedia

OJJDP's growing multimedia collection includes updates from OJJDP Administrator Liz Ryan, archived webinars on specific solicitations, training sessions, and more.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Virtual Library
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NCJRS Virtual Library

The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Virtual Library contains bibliographic information and abstracts of more than 250,000 collection resources, including all known Office of Justice Programs' works.