Section I. Gun Violence in the United States
- The Nature of the Problem and Current Trends
Section II. Solving the Problem of Gun Violence
- Developing a Comprehensive Strategy
Section III. Comprehensive Gun Violence Reduction Strategies
- Overview
Profile No.
- Baltimore Comprehensive Communities Program -- Baltimore, MD
- Boston Strategy To Prevent Youth Violence -- Boston, MA
- Buffalo Weed and Seed Initiative -- Buffalo, NY
- Comprehensive Homicide Initiative -- Richmond, CA
- East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership -- Oakland, CA
- Indianapolis Weed and Seed Initiative -- Indianapolis, IN
- Minnesota HEALS (Hope, Education, and Law and Safety) -- Minneapolis and
St. Paul, MN
- Partnership for the Prevention of Juvenile Gun Violence -- Baton Rouge, LA
Section IV. Strategies To Interrupt Sources of Illegal Guns
Section V. Strategies To Deter Illegal Gun Possession and Carrying
- Deterring Illegal Gun Possession
Profile No.
- Consent to Search and Seize Firearms -- St. Louis, MO
- Municipal Firearms Ordinances, East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership -- Oakland, CA
- Weapon Watch -- Memphis, TN
- Deterring Gun Carrying in High Crime Hotspot Areas
Profile No.
- Baltimore Police Violent Crimes Division and Youth Violence Strike Force -- Baltimore, MD
- Getting Guns Off the Streets, New York City Police Department -- New York, NY
- Kansas City Gun Experiment -- Kansas City, MO
- Operation Ceasefire -- Boston, MA
- Operation Safe Streets Gang Prevention Initiative -- Phoenix, AZ
- Targeted Enforcement Program, Indianapolis Weed and Seed Initiative --
Indianapolis, IN
- Youth, Firearms, and Violence -- Atlanta, GA
- Youth Firearms Violence Initiative -- Birmingham, AL
- Youth Firearms Violence Initiative -- Bridgeport, CT
- Youth Firearms Violence Initiative -- Inglewood, CA
- Youth Firearms Violence Initiative -- Milwaukee, WI
- Youth Firearms Violence Initiative -- Salinas, CA
- Youth Firearms Violence Initiative -- Seattle, WA
- Surveillance of Probationers
Profile No.
- Minnesota Anti-Violence Initiative (MAVI), Minnesota HEALS -- Minneapolis, MN
- Operation Eiger, Baton Rouge Partnership for the Prevention of Juvenile Gun Violence -- Baton Rouge, LA
- Operation Night Light -- Boston, MA
- School-Based Enforcement Programs
Profile No.
- Bibb County, GA, Department of Education, Violence and Weapons Prevention and Intervention Program -- Macon, GA
- Suffolk County Community-Based Juvenile Justice Program -- Boston MA
Section VI. Strategies To Respond To Illegal Gun Use
- Overview
- Focused Prosecution Strategies
Profile No.
- DISARM, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Baltimore, MD
- Gun Court -- Providence, RI
- Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia
- U.S. Attorney's Office Anti-Violence Crime Task Force -- Memphis, TN
- U.S. Attorney's Office Initiatives -- Rochester, NY
- Court-Related Programs
Profile No.
- Handgun Intervention Program -- Detroit, MI
- Juvenile Firearms Prosecution -- Seattle, WA
- Juvenile Gun Court -- Birmingham, AL
- Juvenile Gun Program -- Minneapolis, MN
- Project LIFE -- Indianapolis, IN
Section VII. Education Initiatives and Alternative Prevention Strategies
- Overview
- Prevention Education -- Changing Attitudes Toward Guns and Violence
Profile No.
- Boston Ten-Point Coalition -- Operation 2006 Boston, MA
- Calling the Shots -- St. Paul, MN
- Child Development-Community Policing (CDCP) Program -- New Haven, CT
- Eddie Eagle Elementary Gun Safety Education Program -- Fairfax, VA
- Hands Without Guns -- Washington, DC
- The Living Classroom Foundation -- Baltimore, MD
- Safe Gun Storage Campaign -- Seattle, WA
- Shock Mentor Program -- Prince George's County, MD
- Straight Talk About Risks (STAR), Center to Prevent Handgun Violence -- Washington, DC
- Teens on Target -- Oakland, CA
- Weapons Are Removed Now (W.A.R.N.) Program -- Los Angeles, CA
- West Contra Costa Unified School District Truancy Enforcement Program -- Richmond, CA
- Youth Violence and Gang Prevention Programs
Profile No.
- Boston Community Centers' Streetworkers Program -- Boston, MA
- Mayor's Anti-Gang Office and the Gang Task Force -- Houston, TX
- Se Puede -- San Juan, TX
Section VIII. Research, Technical Assistance, and Education Programs
- Overview
- Federal Programs
- Comprehensive Communities Program -- U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of
Justice Assistance
- Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders --
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative -- International Association of Chiefs of Police
and U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance
- Hamilton Fish National Institute on School and Community Violence U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, The George Washington University
- National Weed and Seed Program -- U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office for Weed and Seed
- National Youth Gang Center -- U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- Operation Safe Home -- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Office of the Inspector General
- Partnerships To Reduce Juvenile Gun Violence -- U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act -- U.S. Department of Education
- U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
- Non-Federal Programs
Section IX. References
Section X. Appendixes
NCJ 173950