clear Section VIII: Research, Technical Assistance, and Education Programs


This section presents programs that provide research, technical assistance, and educational resources for those communities seeking to reduce gun violence. These resources include Federal and private programs that support the development and implementation of effective firearm violence reduction strategies. They focus on law enforcement and other intervention initiatives to reduce the sources of illegal guns, the possession and carrying of illegal firearms, and the illegal use of guns.

Brief descriptions of the program or agency are given followed by contact information. Although a variety of violence reduction programs are included in this section, the listed agencies and organizations do not represent all of the available technical assistance and educational resources that can be accessed by interested jurisdictions. Appendix E lists the many organizations and sources contacted for the development of this Report. Several of these agencies and groups also provide research, technical assistance, and educational support to reduce firearm violence.

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Promising Strategies to Reduce Gun Violence OJJDP Report