clear Non-Federal Programs

Gang Prevention Through Targeted Outreach -- Boys & Girls Clubs of America

The Gang Prevention Through Targeted Outreach program was initiated in 1991 to help local Boys & Girls Clubs build a network of local community representatives (including community agencies, schools, social service organizations, courts, and police and other law enforcement officials) to assess their local gang problem, recruit youth (ages 6 to 18) who are at risk of gang membership, and focus efforts and resources on the reduction of gang involvement by providing these at-risk youth with alternative activities. According to Frank Sanchez, Jr., Director of Delinquency Prevention for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the major goal of the program is to satisfy youth interests and their social and physical needs by providing prosocial activities. These activities center around five target areas: character and leadership development; health and life skills; the arts; sports, fitness, and recreation; and education. In addition to the activities provided in the program, the youth are provided with counselors and are tracked for the first year of their participation while being mainstreamed into normal club activities. Since the program's inception, more than 120 clubs nationwide have been funded, serving more than 6,850 youth.

Contact information:

Frank Sanchez, Jr., Director of Delinquency Prevention
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
1230 West Peachtree Street NW.
Atlanta, GA 30309

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