January | February 2020

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Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Katharine T. Sullivan addressed the National Mentoring Summit     

On January 29-31, 2020, the National Mentoring Summit brought together youth mentoring organizations along with government, civic, research, and corporate leaders to evaluate best practices, review new research, and chart the future of the mentoring field. The summit is held every January as part of National Mentoring Month, an annual campaign to promote youth mentoring. Katharine T. Sullivan, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs, addressed the summit.

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OJJDP envisions a nation where our children are free from crime and violence. If they come into contact with the justice system, the contact should be both just and beneficial to them.
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Did you know?
Between fiscal years 2017 and 2019, OJJDP awarded $228.8 million to help increase mentoring opportunities for youth and to improve the quality and impact of the mentoring they receive. To learn more about OJJDP’s mentoring programs, research, and training and technical assistance, visit OJJDP’s website.