All OJJDP publications may be viewed and downloaded on the publications section of the OJJDP Web site. Print publications also may be ordered online at the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Web site.
Now Available
OJJDP has released four new Fact Sheets based on the report Juvenile Court Statistics 2005. In addition, the Office recently made available the fourth edition of Disproportionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual, a guide to help jurisdictions comply with one of the core requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002. Following are brief descriptions of these new publications:
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2005 (Fact Sheet)
This Fact Sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases processed between 1985 and 2005 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. The estimates are based on data from more than 2,100 courts with jurisdiction over 80 percent of the Nation's juvenile population (youth age 10 through the upper age of original juvenile court jurisdiction in each State). To order a printed copy, visit the NCJRS Web site.
Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2005 (Fact Sheet)
This Fact Sheet presents estimates of the number of cases transferred from juvenile court to criminal court through the judicial waiver mechanism between 1985 and 2005. The number of delinquency cases judicially waived peaked in 1994 at 13,000 cases. This represented an 80-percent increase over the number of cases waived in 1985 (7,200). Since 1994, however, the number of cases judicially waived declined 47 percent (6,900 cases in 2005).
Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 2005 (Fact Sheet)
This Fact Sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases resulting in probation between 1985 and 2005. In 2005, courts with juvenile jurisdiction handled 1.7 million delinquency cases. Probation supervision was the most severe disposition in 33 percent of all delinquency cases. Between 1985 and 2005, the overall delinquency caseload increased 46 percent. The national estimates were generated using information contributed to the National Juvenile Court Data Archive.
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 2005 (Fact Sheet)
This Fact Sheet presents statistics on person offenses (assault, robbery, rape, and homicide) handled by juvenile courts between 1985 and 2005. In 2005, U.S. juvenile courts handled an estimated 429,500 delinquency cases in which the most serious charge was an offense against a person. The 2005 person offense caseload was 133 percent greater than in 1985. In 2005, person offenses accounted for 25 percent of the delinquency caseload, compared with 16 percent in 1985.
Disproportionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual Fourth Edition (Online Manual)
This online manual presents an overview of methods for calculating and analyzing disproportionate minority contact (DMC); outlines how jurisdictions can use data to facilitate decisionmaking; and reviews multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches for local communities, promising intervention strategies, performance measurement and evaluation, and Federal, State, and local partnerships. The fourth edition includes two new chaptersone on DMC data and intervention strategies for serving Hispanic youth in the juvenile justice system, and the other on the role of State DMC Coordinators.