OJJDP News @ A GlanceOJP seal
OJJDP News @ A Glance
March | April 2009

printer friendly version button   Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention  ·  Jeff Slowikowski, Acting Administrator
Drug Court Initiative Update: Trainings and Conferences

In addition to supporting the development and enhancement of juvenile drug court programs across the Nation, OJJDP plays an active role in educating and training juvenile justice professionals and disseminating the latest information about juvenile drug courts to the field. Some recent activities include drug court trainings and speaking appearances by OJJDP staff at related conferences.

Juvenile Drug Court Training
OJJDP recently sponsored two trainings to help communities maximize the effectiveness of juvenile drug courts. The trainings, entitled "Enhancing Your Juvenile Drug Court: Moving Your Juvenile Drug Court From Where It Is...To Where You Want It To Be!" were held January 20–23 in Dallas, TX, and February 2–5 in Louisville, KY. The trainings were designed to help attendees assess current practices, enhance the continuum of care for juvenile drug court clients, discuss practical solutions to ongoing challenges, provide current information on critical topics, and bring teams together for valuable networking opportunities. The attendees included judges, coordinators, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, substance abuse treatment counselors, school partners, and case managers.

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America Conference

Community Anti-Drug  Coalitions of America  Conference logo

OJJDP's Deputy Administrator for Programs Marilyn Roberts addressed the SMART System, and the Office's Model Programs Guide.