All OJJDP publications may be viewed and downloaded on the publications section of the OJJDP Web site. Print publications also may be ordered online at the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Web site.
OJJDP 2008 Annual Report (NCJ 225036)
This congressionally mandated report summarizes OJJDP's research and program activities in fiscal year 2008 to promote early intervention and delinquency prevention, support faith-based and community organizations, expand mentoring, improve the juvenile justice system, ensure public safety, curb child exploitation, combat youth gangs, and serve tribal youth. The report, which was delivered to Congress on March 23, concludes with an overview of the Office's information dissemination efforts.
To order a printed copy of the report, please visit the NCJRS Web site.
Characteristics of Juvenile Suicide in Confinement (NCJ 214434)
This Bulletin summarizes the findings of the first national survey ever conducted on juvenile suicides in confinement. The OJJDP-funded survey, conducted by the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, gathered detailed data on each suicide victim, suicide incident, and juvenile facility in which the suicide occurred. Among the survey's findings: More than two-thirds of the victims were white, more than three-quarters were male, and more than 70 percent of the victims were ages 15 to 17. More than two-thirds of the victims were confined for nonviolent offenses. For more information on the national survey, see Juvenile Suicide in Confinement: A National Survey.
To order a printed copy of Characteristics of Juvenile Suicide in Confinement, go to the NCJRS Web site.
Toolkit for Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
The Toolkit for Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases provides practical and comprehensive guidance on how dependency courts can institute a system of performance measurement and create more efficient and effective operations. The Toolkit is divided into five volumes:
Key Measures (NCJ 223567). This 44-page booklet outlines 9 measures that OJJDP, the Children's Bureau of the Department of Health and Human Services, and their national partners have identified as key to determining court performance in child abuse and neglect cases.
Implementation Guide (NCJ 223568). This 76-page guide provides practical advice on how to set up a performance measurement team, assess court capacity, collect data, and use the data to plan reforms.
User's Guide to Nonautomated Data Collection (NCJ 223569). Each chapter of this 48-page guide is devoted to a specific instrument for measuring court performance and describes the purpose of the instrument, provides tips on how to use it, and explains how the data can be used to assess court performance on a national level.
Technical Guide (NCJ 223570). This comprehensive 310-page volume describes all 30 court performance measures for child abuse and neglect cases.
Guide to Judicial Workload Assessment (NCJ 223571). This 72-page guide is designed to help courts establish their baseline practices; diagnose what they need to improve; and use that information to make improvements, track their efforts, and identify, document, and replicate positive results.
This publication series may be ordered in its entirety or as individual publications. The Toolkit may be downloaded and print copies may be ordered from the Web site.