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Funding Update
January/February 2006

In This Issue
Building on Success
Setting the Stage
The Big Picture
What Works
New Publications
Funding Update
Coordinating Council
OJJDP Staff News

The following is a brief summary of OJJDP's recent funding activities. Be sure to check the Current Funding section of the OJJDP Web site for the latest news on OJJDP funding opportunities. To receive e-mail notification of new funding opportunities, subscribe to JUVJUST.

Current Solicitations

OJJDP is currently seeking applications for a number of programs, including the following:

FY 2006 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Southern Texas (Due Date: March 15, 2006). The ICAC Task Force program helps state and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies develop an effective response to online enticement and child pornography cases. This solicitation is limited to agencies in Southern Texas.

FY 2006 Tribal Youth Program (Due Date: March 15, 2006). This program supports and enhances tribal efforts to prevent and control delinquency and improve the juvenile justice system for American Indian/Alaska Native youth. Federally recognized tribes and tribal partnerships are encouraged to apply.

Building Community Capacity To Reduce the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth (Due Date: March 21, 2006). This program provides training and technical assistance to expand community capacity to address the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth in the United States. Public agencies and private organizations may apply for this grant.

Research on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth (Due Date: March 21, 2006). This program supports research into the effectiveness of intervention and prevention efforts that target youth who have been sexually exploited for commercial purposes in the United States and elsewhere. OJJDP invites applications from public agencies and private organizations to conduct research on topics related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

FY 2006 Formula Grants Program (Due Date: March 30, 2006). This program supports state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. Only the agency designated by the chief executive (i.e., the governor) of each state is eligible to apply for these funds.

FY 2006 Tribal Juvenile Accountability Discretionary Grants Program (Due Date: April 4, 2006). This program supports and enhances tribal efforts to implement accountability-based programming and to strengthen their juvenile justice systems. Federally recognized tribes and tribal partnerships are encouraged to apply.

Training and Technical Assistance for Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth (Due Date: April 17, 2006). This program provides training and technical assistance for OJJDP's Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. Public agencies and private organizations may apply.

Upcoming Solicitations

The following solicitations will soon be open for applications. Please check the Current Funding page of OJJDP's Web site for more information as it becomes available.

Evaluation of Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. This program supports a program evaluation that will assess the process and effect of mentoring programs for youth involved in the juvenile justice system, reentry, and foster care. Public agencies and private organizations may apply.

Field-Initiated Research and Evaluation Program. This program supports research and evaluation studies to inform the disciplines of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. Public agencies and private organizations may apply.

Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. This program supports the development and enhancement of mentoring programs for youth involved in the juvenile justice system, reentry, and foster care. Public agencies and private organizations may apply.

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