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   Funding Update

March/April 2005
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The following is a brief summary of OJJDP's recent funding activities. Be sure to check the Current Funding section of the OJJDP Web site for the latest news on OJJDP funding opportunities. To receive e-mail notification of new funding opportunities, subscribe to JUVJUST.

Tribal Youth Program

OJJDP has requested applications from eligible tribes for FY 2005 funding through the Tribal Youth Program (TYP) and the TYP Mental Health Initiative. TYP supports and enhances tribal efforts to prevent and control delinquency and improve the juvenile justice system for American Indian/Alaska Native youth. The TYP Mental Health Initiative supports programs that provide mental health services to tribal youth. OJJDP soon also will announce the availability of funds under the FY 2005 Tribal Juvenile Accountability Discretionary Grants (Tribal JADG) Program, which helps tribes strengthen their juvenile justice systems and hold tribal youth accountable. For additional information about these programs, visit the TYP page of the OJJDP Web site.

Safe Schools/Healthy Students

The Departments of Justice (OJJDP), Education, and Health and Human Services announced the FY 2005 Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) funding opportunity on March 10, 2005. The SS/HS Initiative is a discretionary grant program that provides students, schools, and communities with federal funding to implement an enhanced, coordinated, comprehensive plan of activities, programs, and services that focus on promoting healthy childhood development and preventing violence and substance abuse. Applications are due by April 29, 2005 . More information about this program is available on the SS/HS Web page.

To assist applicants, a weekly series of 1-hour audioteleconferences explaining the SS/HS Initiative began March 17 and runs through April 28. These sessions focus on eligibility requirements, grant application requirements, and the application review process.

Congressional Earmark Programs

Each year Congress appropriates funds to specifically identified ("earmarked") programs. In FY 2005, Congress appropriated more than $100 million to juvenile justice earmark programs, and OJJDP is charged with overseeing the distribution and management of these funds. OJJDP is currently in the process of notifying recipients of FY 2005 OJJDP Congressional Earmarks, providing them with instructions on how to apply for these funds. Only agencies and organizations that are identified in the FY 2005 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 108–447) and who have received a written invitation to apply under the Congressional Earmark Program solicitation are eligible for these funds.

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