Publications of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Program
Pacific Institute's Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center, which is funded by OJJDP, develops publications to assist States and communities in the enforcement of underage drinking laws. The following list of documents can either be downloaded from the Center's Web site ( or ordered in hard copy at no cost from the Center at the following address.
Center for Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
11710 Beltsville Drive, Suite 300
Beltsville, MD 20705-3102
301-755-2799 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]
of Drinking Rates and Problems: European Countries and the United States
This document, using data from the 1995 European School Survey Project
on Alcohol and Other Drugs and the 1995 Monitoring the Future Survey,
compares the drinking rates and problems of young people in the U.S. to
those in Europe.
This volume presents an overview of the key findings from the 2000 survey
of 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, with a particular emphasis on recent
trends in the use of the various licit and illicit drugs covered by the
study. It also shows trends in the levels of perceived risk and personal
disapproval associated with each drug, which this study has shown to be
particularly important in explaining trends in use."
Strategies to Reduce Underage Alcohol Use: Typology and Brief Overview
This document provides a summary of the various strategies commonly used
to reduce underage drinking and indicates the level of effect that might
be expected from each strategy. The information is designed to assist
States in setting priorities for activities to be funded with block grant
Guide to Conducting Alcohol Purchase Surveys
This guide provides step-by-step information on how States or localities can conduct retail compliance surveys to determine how many and what kind of retail establishments sell alcohol to underage purchasers. Use of the information from this survey for generating community awareness, guiding enforcement efforts, and measuring and monitoring progress is discussed.
Guide to Conducting Youth Surveys
This guide provides step-by-step information on how States or localities can conduct surveys of youth to determine levels of alcohol use, sources of alcohol, expectations about alcohol use, and perceptions of community norms. Use of the information from this survey for generating community awareness, guiding enforcement efforts, and measuring and monitoring progress is discussed.
The Costs of Underage Drinking
This document provides information on the various health and social problems related to underage drinking and can be used by State coordinators and others to generate support for enforcement of underage drinking laws.
Strategic Media Advocacy for Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws
The vast majority of States identified media campaigns as a major component of their initial State action plans. Media coverage also is an essential component of enforcement. This guide provides Statecoordinators and others with practical information on using media efficiently and effectively to bring about better enforcement of underage drinking laws.
Regulatory Strategies for Preventing Youth Access to Alcohol: Best Practices
This document identifies the various types of laws that can be used to restrict minors' access to alcohol and to enhance the enforcement of underage drinking laws. The characteristics of well-crafted laws are described and common loopholes are pointed out. The information can be used to identify needed changes in legislation and opportunities for better enforcement.
Tips for Soliciting Cohesive Enforcement Program Plans: Writing Effective RFPs for the Sub-Granting Process
This brief document provides State coordinators with a format for constructing requests for proposals that are likely to elicit cohesive and effective plans from local communities.
Preventing Sales of Alcohol to Minors: What You Should Know About Merchant Education Programs
This fact sheet defines merchant education and distills current research knowledge on the effectiveness of merchant education programs, the components they should include, and how these programs fit within a larger community effort.
A Guide to Evaluating Local Programs
This guide provides an introduction to evaluation planning, design, and implementation. It is intended as an educational tool to help program managers work on a more equal footing with evaluators in choosing evaluation options, implementing appropriate evaluation designs, and interpreting evaluation results.
How to Use Local Regulatory and Land Use Powers to Prevent Underage Drinking
This brief document provides communities with information on some of the key regulatory strategies that can be used to improve environments at the local level to reduce youth access to alcohol.
Guide to Responsible Alcohol Sales: Off Premise Clerk, Licensee, and Manager Training
This document provides training tools for all retail sales personnel, with an emphasis on establishing and supporting management policies that prevent sales of alcohol to minors.
Environmental Strategies to Prevent Alcohol Problems on College Campuses
This document includes a comprehensive review of the literature regarding the whole range of environmental prevention programs that can be used on college campuses. It provides guidance to planners and policymakers as to the expected effectiveness and acceptability of various approaches on campus and in the communities surrounding campuses.
A Guide to Zero Tolerance and Graduated Licensing: Two Strategies that Work
This guide describes the evaluation literature supporting two important tools for reducing impaired driving among youth. It discusses the barriers to implementing these two strategies and ways of overcoming barriers and maximizing the strategies' effectiveness.
Operational Guides for Law Enforcement
This series of brief guides is intended to help law enforcement agencies implement some of the key strategies for reducing underage access to alcohol and preventing the most immediate consequences of underage drinking. They are designed as companion documents for the regional training series, Enforcing Underage Drinking: Seizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges.
Reducing Alcohol Sales to Underage Purchasers: A Practical Guide to Compliance Check Investigations
This guide indicates the importance of enforcement in retail establishments as the cornerstone of enforcing underage drinking laws. It provides the essential elements of carrying out compliance checks using minors or young-looking adults.
Strategies for Reducing Third-Party Transactions of Alcohol to Underage Youth
This document discusses the problem of nonretail sources of alcohol for underage drinkers. It includes the essential elements of shoulder-tap operations and other techniques to deter adults from buying or providing alcohol for underage drinkers.
A Practical Guide to Preventing and Dispersing Underage Drinking Parties This guide describes how underage drinking parties are a particularly common and dangerous source of alcohol. It discusses strategies for preventing underage parties through information gathering and deterrence and lays out the essential elements of party containment and dispersal and offender processing.
A Guide for Enforcing Impaired Driving Laws for Youth
This guide discusses the problem of impaired driving among youth and the importance of enforcement in this population. It outlines how to increase the visibility of zero tolerance laws for reducing underage drinking and driving, describes barriers to enforcing impaired driving laws with youth, and presents techniques for overcoming these barriers.
Enforcing the Underage
Drinking Laws Program -
A Compendium of Resources |
March 2001 |