clear Other Related Publications

Alcohol Research & Health: Alcohol and Violence (Vol. 25, No. 1)
This issue of Alcohol Research & Health, a collaboration between the National Institute of Justice and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, presents research findings on a range of topics, including why some people may be more susceptible than others to committing or becoming victims of alcohol-related violence, how problems with alcohol use can lead to violence, and how violence itself may be a factor in the development of problems with alcohol use. Articles in this issue include Antisocial Personality Disorder, Alcohol, and Aggression; Alcohol Abuse as a Risk Factor for and Consequence of Child Abuse; Individual Differences in Alcohol-Induced Aggression: A Nonhuman-Primate Model; Alcohol-Related Intimate Partner Violence Among White, Black, and Hispanic Couples in the United States; Victim and Offender Self-Reports of Alcohol Involvement in Crime; and Alcohol and Violence in the Lives of Gang Members.

Case Histories in Alcohol Policy: A Project of the Trauma Foundation
This book, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, presents diverse case histories of several organizations that have worked to reduce alcohol-related problems in their communities. These communities are located in California, Texas, Minnesota, Maryland, New Mexico and Illinois.

Community How To Guides On Underage Drinking Prevention
These "Community How To Guides" address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. The Guides are designed to be brief, easy-to-read, and easy-to-use. Each guide contains a resource section to assist readers in obtaining additional and detailed information about the topics covered in that guide.

Comparison of Drinking Rates and Problems: European Countries and the United States
This document, using data from the 1995 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs and the 1995 Monitoring the Future Survey, compares the drinking rates and problems of young people in the U.S. to those in Europe.

Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2000
Monitoring the Future is a long-term study of American adolescents, college students, and adults through age 40. It is conducted by the University of Michigan�s Institute for Social Research and is supported under a series of investigator-initiated, competing research grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Underage Drinking: Information on Federal Funds Targeted at Prevention
The General Accounting Office (GAO) identifies federal programs that address prevention of alcohol use among underage youth. Specifically, GAO identifies the amount of appropriated fiscal year 2000 federal funds that addressed prevention of underage drinking, and fiscal year 2000 funded program activities that included media components to publicize the problem of underage drinking.

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Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Program -                         
A Compendium of Resources
March 2001