Case 9

Winnebago County Juvenile Restitution Program
420 Jackson Street, Room 199A
P.O. Box 2808
Oshkosh, WI 54903–2808

The Program: The program provides supervision for juvenile offenders ordered to pay restitution or perform community service. For youths ordered to pay restitution, the program provides motivational training, work skills training, transportation, and assistance with finding a job. For youth ordered to perform community service, the program provides community service placements and monitors their performance.

Typical Case: Two boys, ages 13 and 14, stole a bicycle, disassembled it, and then returned it in pieces to the owner. The victim claimed a $329 loss, but agreed to a lesser amount since the bicycle could be reconstructed with some replacement parts. Under an informal agreement, the boys consented to pay restitution to the victim in lieu of appearing in court. One youth was placed on a program work crew, and the other earned his share on his paper route.
