In fiscal year (FY) 2010, OJJDP awarded $519 million in grant awards to help at-risk youth, protect children, and improve juvenile justice systems nationwide. The 875 awards were made through formula, block, discretionary, and Recovery Act funding.
OJJDP awarded about $100 million to national and local organizations to strengthen, expand, and implement youth-mentoring activities and youth-development programming throughout the nation. The Office distributed nearly $30 million to state and local law enforcement agencies under its Internet Crimes Against Children task force program to support joint local, state, and federal efforts to investigate and prosecute cybercrimes against children and keep children safe from Internet predators. In addition, OJJDP awarded $20 million in block grants to enforce state and local underage drinking laws nationwide. These grants support law enforcement, public education, and coalition-building activities to address underage access to and consumption of alcohol.
More information about OJJDP's FY 2010 awards is available through the program links listed below.
Formula and Block Grants
Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements. In FY 2010, OJJDP awarded more than $130 million under the following formula and block grants programs.
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. Nearly $389 million in discretionary grants was awarded in FY 2010. Of that total, OJJDP awarded nearly $88 million in discretionary funds for statutory earmarks. In addition, more than $301 million in grants was awarded under the programs listed below.
Recovery Act Awards
Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, OJJDP awarded approximately $921,000 for the following initiative in FY 2010:
For more information on OJJDP's FY 2010 awards, visit the Office's Web site.