OJJDP News @ A GlanceOJP seal
OJJDP News @ A Glance
May | June 2009

printer friendly version button   Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention  ·  Jeff Slowikowski, Acting Administrator
ICAC Program Holds Training Conference, Commanders' Meeting

Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force program logo

OJJDP's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force program recently held a training conference and a forum for ICAC task force commanders.

The Silicon Valley Internet Crimes Against Children Conference was held May 13–15, 2009, in San Jose, CA. The 3-day training event included information sessions on the latest ICAC investigation methods, prosecution strategies, case studies, and the latest practices used by online offenders. The event was cosponsored by OJJDP, and was open to law enforcement and prosecution staff from across the United States.

On March 26–27, 2009, OJJDP sponsored the ICAC Commanders' Meeting in Huntsville, AL, a forum for ICAC grantees to share best practices and to receive up-to-date information on the ICAC program. The 2-day meeting included a question-and-answer session with OJJDP Acting Administrator Jeff Slowikowski on how Recovery Act funding will impact ICAC operations. The Recovery Act provides funding for hiring additional personnel for approximately 3 years, and the most commonly voiced concern was the ability to retain these officers once the funding period ends. Most ICAC task forces need additional personnel because of vacancies and hiring freezes in place in many law enforcement agencies nationwide.

OJJDP Deputy Administrator for Programs Marilyn Roberts also made remarks regarding the ICAC program in fiscal year 2009, provisions of the PROTECT Act (Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today), and the role of OJJDP's ICAC Advisory Group.