Resources for Information on Underage Drinking: Private Resources Betty Ford Center Children's Program
The Betty Ford Center Children's Program educates parents and children about alcohol and drugs, strengthens parent-child communication, builds trust, and helps them to identify and share feelings about themselves and their family. Teaching methods include art and play therapy, films, written exercises, games, role playing, relaxation, and recreational activities, stories, and discussions. Campaign for Alcohol Free Kids (AFK)
AFK is an international charity whose goal is to protect the world's children from harm. It was initially designed to address underage drinking but has expanded to include youth tobacco use. AFK, part of a 20-year project targeting alcohol use standards, is a grassroots organization made up of student and adult volunteers and a small staff. AFK seeks the establishment of uniform codes of standards that serve to protect children from harm in all nations. Its current mission is to get the Governor of every State to appoint a task force to develop a formal code of standards that protect youth from death and injury due to preventable risk factors. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the Nation's largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to health and health care. In an ongoing effort to promote prevention programs, the foundation has previously made more than $10 million available to programs aimed at reducing underage drinking. Programs currently funded by the foundation include Reducing Underage Drinking Through Community and State Coalitions, administered and monitored by the American Medical Association, and A Matter of Degree: Reducing High-Risk Drinking Among College Students. The University of Minnesota's School of Public Health was also funded to evaluate the Reducing Underage Drinking Through Community and State Coalitions program. Women For Sobriety, Inc.
Women For Sobriety, Inc., is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions. Its New Life Program helps women achieve sobriety and sustain ongoing recovery. |