OJJDP is committed to promoting reform through the adoption of evidence-based practices and a developmentally appropriate approach to juvenile justice. The goals of this reform include enhancing public safety, reducing reoffending, expanding community-based approaches to juvenile crime, maximizing cost savings, and supporting strategic reinvestment. As part of OJJDP’s “Smart on Juvenile Justice” strategy, in mid-June the Office released a suite of three new solicitations:
A Comprehensive Strategy to Juvenile Justice Reform. Many states have recently embraced or are in the process of pursuing comprehensive juvenile justice reforms to protect public safety, hold offenders accountable, improve youth outcomes, and reduce taxpayer burdens associated with out-of-home placement. In fiscal year 2014, through the Comprehensive Strategy to Juvenile Justice Reform and in partnership with the Pew Charitable Trusts, OJJDP will support three states—Georgia, Hawaii, and Kentucky—in implementing juvenile justice reform by providing national leadership, policy guidance, and training and technical assistance. Applications are due July 16, 2014.
Juvenile Prosecution Curriculum Development, Training, and Technical Assistance Program. The awardee will develop and operate a national center to provide technical support and training, publications and resources, and policy development and leadership opportunities to the juvenile prosecution bar. Applications are due July 14, 2014.
Technical Assistance To End Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System. This project will offer education, training and technical assistance, and other information resources to state, local, and tribal governments and private organizations on the most promising systemic and programmatic techniques for addressing disproportionate minority contact and eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system. Applications are due July 14, 2014.
More information about the A Comprehensive Strategy to Juvenile Justice Reform; Juvenile Prosecution Curriculum Development, Training, and Technical Assistance Program; and Technical Assistance To End Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System solicitations is available online.