Participant Profile Parents AnonymousSM is a viable resource for thousands of mothers and fathers -- 33 percent of the program participants are male, and 67 percent are female (see figure). Parents AnonymousSM reaches out to families of color in local communities, including those on reservations, with an almost even split between Caucasian parents (51 percent) and all other groups combined (49 percent). The percentage of people of color in Parents AnonymousSM groups far exceeds the racial/ethnic breakdown of the general U.S. population. Twenty-one percent of the participants are African-American, 22 percent are Hispanic, 5 percent are American Indian, and 1 percent are Asian/Pacific Islander. Parents AnonymousSM programs integrate the values, languages, and strengths of local communities with a strong commitment to providing culturally responsive services that meet the diverse needs of the Nation's families. This commitment is demonstrated by the wide range of populations served and locations of groups. Twenty-six percent of all Parents AnonymousSM groups serve specialized populations of parents, while 74 percent reach out to all parents in their target community. Parents join Parents AnonymousSM groups for multiple reasons: