Organizational Structure

The National Network

Parents Anonymous, Inc., the national organization, is a private, nonprofit agency located in Claremont, CA. Through a variety of strategies and mechanisms, the organization provides training, technical assistance, materials, national media exposure, advocacy, national networking opportunities, and coordination of Parents AnonymousSM programs at State and regional levels. Through local, city, county, and State partnerships, Parents Anonymous, Inc., selects, monitors, and assists a dynamic national network of organizations that share responsibility for promoting, maintaining, developing, and expanding programs in local areas.

These organizations provide volunteer management (including recruitment, screening, training, recognition, and evaluation), promote parent leadership, develop community-based groups, provide outreach to parents, and form close links with other resources and organizations in their communities. With regard to shared leadership, parents work with professionals in planning, implementing, and evaluating program services through prescriptive leadership roles. In addition, Parents Anonymous, Inc., is integrally involved in major national system reform initiatives addressing the need for change in the child protective services system and in other child welfare arenas. Through consultation, training, and technical assistance to local communities and public child welfare systems, Parents Anonymous, Inc., helps others understand and incorporate sound principles into their work with families and children to ensure responsive service planning, implementation, oversight, and evaluation.

National Parent Leadership Activities

In 1995, Parents Anonymous, Inc., developed the diverse National Parent Leadership Team, consisting of parents who demonstrated leadership in their local groups and organizations and who expressed an interest in expanding their leadership role. The leadership team provides training for professionals and other parents; participates in public education, outreach, and advocacy activities; and serves as the editorial board for The Parent Networker newsletter. The team advises Parents Anonymous, Inc., regarding program and organization issues that affect families and works with local, State, and national media to ensure that the voices of parents are heard on issues that are related to families and children. Based on the success of the national team, several State or local Parents AnonymousSM organizations have developed parent leadership teams to accomplish similar goals locally.

Parents AnonymousSM Juvenile Justice Bulletin   ·  April 1999