Target Area #4 (A New Direction) -- Lehigh and Northampton Counties

Based on a review of State DMC data, the Minority Confinement Subcommittee is exploring the development of community-based minority prevention and intervention programs serving primarily Hispanic youth in the Lehigh Valley (Lehigh and Northampton Counties). These two counties are among the top four in reported juvenile arrests of Hispanic youth: 753 arrests in Lehigh County and 483 arrests in Northampton County. Lehigh and Northampton Counties are located in an area of the State that has not previously been served by this program. The director of the Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs has joined the subcommittee to ensure that the perspectives of the Latino community are taken into consideration and to help identify existing programs in the focus area. The subcommittee anticipates holding meetings with Latino service providers and representatives from the police department, probation department, and local schools. A significant portion of the State's 1998 allocation of Formula Grants Program funds for DMC will be subgranted to support programs developed in the Lehigh Valley.

Disproportionate Minority Confinement: 1997 Update Juvenile Justice Bulletin   ·  September 1998