
This Bulletin was written by Heidi M. Hsia, Ph.D., State Representative, State Relations and Assistance Division, OJJDP, and Donna Hamparian, Contract Consultant to Community Research Associates.

OJJDP gratefully acknowledges the efforts of States and local agencies to reduce disproportionate minority confinement. We thank Reggie Morton of Community Research Associates and individual OJJDP staff who reviewed the draft and provided valuable input. Also, thanks are due Ruth Williams and Mary Ann Rhoads of Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and Daniel Elby, chair of the Minority Confinement Subcommittee of the Pennsylvania Juvenile Advisory Committee, who contributed materials and assistance to ensure an accurate account of Pennsylvania's DMC efforts.

Disproportionate Minority Confinement: 1997 Update Juvenile Justice Bulletin   ·  September 1998