Table of Contents
Foreword Acknowledgments An Urgent Call to Action Reduce Tomorrow's Violence: Take Action Today Endnotes Appendix A. Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appendix B. Working Group Participants Appendix C. Matrix of Technical Assistance Resources
Foreword Acknowledgments List of Figures
1. Provide Immediate Intervention and Appropriate Sanctions and Treatment
for Delinquent Juveniles 2. Prosecute Certain Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders in Criminal Court 3. Reduce Youth Involvement With Guns, Drugs, and Gangs 4. Provide Opportunities for Children and Youth 5. Break the Cycle of Violence by Addressing Youth Victimization, Abuse, and Neglect 6. Strengthen and Mobilize Communities 7. Support the Development of Innovative Approaches to Research and Evaluation 8. Implement an Aggressive Public Outreach Campaign on Effective Strategies To Combat
Juvenile Violence Conclusion
Appendix A. Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appendix B. Working Group Participants Appendix C. Matrix of Technical Assistance Resources Appendix D. Reports of Selected Commissions and Task Forces Appendix E. Program Catalogs and Directories Appendix F. Annotated Bibliography