Corrections and Detention
Conditions of Confinement Teleconference (Video). 1993, NCJ 147531 (90 min.), $14.00.
Desktop Guide to Good Juvenile Detention Practice. 1996, NCJ 161408 (218 pp.).
Effective Programs for Serious, Violent and Chronic Juvenile Offenders Teleconference (Video). 1996, NCJ 160947 (120 min.), $17.00.
Evaluation of the Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Initiative. $15.00 each, $39.00 for set of five.
Arizona Final Report. 1996, NCJ 161564 (111 pp.).
Florida Final Report. 1996,
NCJ 161563 (84 pp.).
Iowa Final Report. 1996,
NCJ 161562 (115 pp.).
North Carolina Final Report. 1996,
NCJ 161561 (97 pp.).
Oregon Final Report. 1996,
NCJ 161560 (71 pp.).
Evaluation of the Impact of Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders. $19.00 each.
Cleveland Interim Report. 1996,
NCJ 160928 (160 pp.).
Denver Interim Report. 1996,
NCJ 160927 (108 pp.).
Mobile Interim Report. 1996,
NCJ 160926 (119 pp.).
Juvenile Arrests 1995. 1997, NCJ 163813 (12 pp.).
Juvenile Boot Camps Teleconference (Video). 1996, NCJ 160949 (120 min.), $17.00.
Juvenile Detention Training Needs Assessment. 1996, NCJ 156833 (60 pp.).
Juvenile Probation: The Workhorse of the
Juvenile Justice System. 1996, NCJ 158534
(6 pp.).
Juveniles Taken Into Custody: Fiscal Year 1993 Report. 1995, NCJ 154022 (195 pp.).
A Resource Manual for Juvenile Detention
and Corrections: Effective and Innovative Programs. 1995, NCJ 155285 (164 pp.), $15.00.
Beyond the Bench: How Judges Can Help
Reduce Juvenile DUI and Alcohol and Other Drug Violations (Video and discussion guide). 1996, NCJ 162357 (16 min.), $17.00.
Juvenile Court Statistics 1994. 1996, NCJ 163709 (95 pp.).
Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1994. 1996, NCJ 162423 (12 pp.).
Delinquency Prevention
1996 Report to Congress: Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs. 1997, NCJ 165694 (100 pp.).
Allegheny County, PA: Mobilizing To Reduce Juvenile Crime. 1997, NCJ 165693 (12 pp.).
Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan (Report). 1996, NCJ 157106 (200 pp.).
Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan (Summary). 1996, NCJ 157105 (36 pp.).
Communities Working Together Teleconference (Video). 1996, NCJ 160946 (120 min.), $17.00.
Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools: An Action Guide. 1996 (134 pp.), Available from the U.S. Department of Education (800-624-0100).
Keeping Young People in School: Community Programs That Work. 1997, NCJ 162783 (12 pp.).
Matrix of Community-Based Initiatives. 1995, NCJ 154816 (51 pp.).
Mentoring -- A Proven Delinquency Prevention Strategy. 1997. NCJ 164386 (8 pp.).
Mobilizing Communities To Prevent Juvenile Crime. 1997, NCJ 165928 (8 pp.).
Reaching Out to Youth Out of the Education Mainstream. 1997. NCJ 163920 (12 pp.).
Title V Delinquency Prevention Program
Community Self-Evaluation Workbook. 1996, NCJ 160125 (162 pp.).
Treating Serious Anti-Social Behavior in Youth: The MST Approach. 1997, NCJ 165151 (8 pp.).
Youth Environmental Service in Action. 1996, NCJ 159762 (38 pp.).
Youth Environmental Service Technical Assistance Package. 1996, NCJ 159763 (72 pp.).
Youth-Oriented Community Policing Teleconference (Video). 1996, NCJ 160947 (120 min.), $17.00.
1995 National Youth Gang Survey. 1997, NCJ 164728 (41 pp.).
Gang Members and Delinquent Behavior. 1997, NCJ 165154 (6 pp.).
General Juvenile Justice
Female Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System. 1996, NCJ 160941 (28 pp.).
Juvenile Justice, Volume III, Number 2. 1997, NCJ 165925 (32 pp.).
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1997 Update
on Violence. 1997, NCJ 165703 (32 pp.).
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: A National Report. 1995, NCJ 153569 (188 pp.).
State Challenge Activities. 1996. NCJ 163055
(8 pp.).
Missing and Exploited Children
Addressing Confidentiality of Records
in Searches for Missing Children. 1995, NCJ 155183 (284 pp.), $15.00.
The Compendium of the North American
Symposium on International Child Abduction: How To Handle International Child Abduction Cases. 1993, NCJ 148137 (928 pp.), $17.50.
Court Appointed Special Advocates: A Voice for Abused and Neglected Children in Court. 1997. NCJ 164512 (4 pp.).
Federal Resources on Missing and Exploited Children: A Directory for Law Enforcement and Other Public and Private Agencies. 1996, NCJ 161475 (126 pp.).
In the Wake of Childhood Maltreatment. 1997, NCJ 165257 (16 pp.).
Obstacles to the Recovery and Return of Parentally Abducted Children. 1994, NCJ 143458 (21 pp.).
Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse: An Overview. 1997, NCJ 165153 (8 pp.).
Using Agency Records To Find Missing Children: A Guide for Law Enforcement. 1995, NCJ 154633 (20 pp.).
Status Offenders
Curfew: An Answer to Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization? 1996, NCJ 159533 (12 pp.).
Truancy: First Step to a Lifetime of Problems. 1996, NCJ 161958 (8 pp.).
Unlocking the Doors for Status Offenders: The State of the States. 1995, NCJ 160803 (85 pp.), $16.50.
Violence and Victimization
Child Development -- Community Policing:
Partnership in a Climate of Violence. 1997. NCJ 164380 (8 pp.).
Conflict Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth-Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice Settings. 1996, NCJ 160935 (134 pp.).
Conflict Resolution for Youth Teleconference (Video). 1996, NCJ 161416 (150 min.), $17.00.
Epidemiology of Serious Violence. 1997, NCJ 165152 (12 pp.).
Guide for Implementing the Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders. 1995, NCJ 153571 (6 pp.).
Reducing Youth Gun Violence: An Overview
of Programs and Initiatives. 1996, NCJ 154303 (74 pp.).
State Responses to Serious and Violent
Juvenile Crime. 1996, NCJ 161565 (61 pp.).
OJJDP also publishes Fact Sheets, two-page summaries on agency programs and initiatives. Contact JJC for titles and further information.
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Brochure (1996, NCJ 144527 (23 pp.)) offers more information about the agency.
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