
Appendix A: Additional Information and Contacts

The following sources provide information on the use of the six methods to address unlawful conditions of detention and confinement for juveniles. Staff at the American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center are available to help you locate additional resources and contact persons beyond the abbreviated list below. Please contact:

ABA Juvenile Justice Center
740 15th Street NW., 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-1009
[email protected]
202-662-1501 (Fax)

CHAPTER 1 -- Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA)

  1. The Statute: 42 U.S.C. �� 1997-1997j (1988).

  2. Reports/books with case law and statutory law outlining rights of detained and confined youth:

    1. Mark Soler et al., Representing the Child Client ¶¶ 1.55-.62 (Matthew Bender 1987).

    2. Abt Associates, Inc., Conditions of Confinement: Juvenile Detention and Corrections Facilities (February 1994).

  3. Contact:

    1. Special Litigation Section, Civil Rights Division
      U.S. Department of Justice
      Washington, DC 20530

    2. Kim Brooks
      Northern Kentucky University
      Salmon P. Chase College of Law
      Children's Law Center
      9 East 12th Street
      Covington, KY 41011
      606-292-0100 (Fax)

CHAPTER 2 -- Ombudsman Programs

  1. Sample Enacting Statutes:

    1. Rhode Island
      R.I. Gen. Laws �� 40-11-1, 42-73-7 (1996).

    2. Michigan
      Children's Ombudsman Act, 1994 Mich. Pub. Acts 204, Mich. Comp. Laws � 722.921 et seq.

  2. Reports:

    1. Howard A. Davidson, Cynthia Price Cohen, and Linda K. Girdner, American Bar Association on Children and the Law, Establishing Ombudsman Programs for Children and Youth: How Government's Responsiveness to Its Young Citizens Can Be Improved (1993).

    2. Laureen D'Ambra, Office of the Child Advocate, Survey of Ombudsman Offices for Children in the United States (June 5, 1996) (report for presentation at the ABA 8th National Conference on Children and the Law).

    3. Laureen D'Ambra, Office of the Child Advocate, Annual Report for the Office of the Child Advocate 14 (1995).

    4. Ombudsman Services in Minnesota, Making Government Responsive to Citizens: A Comprehensive Overview with Recommendations for Efficient Ombudsman Services (December 1995) (a public report by the Ombudsman Roundtable).

  3. Contacts: (See survey in appendix E)

CHAPTER 3 -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

  1. The Statute: 20 U.S.C. �� 1401-1485 (1975).

  2. A resource on the statute and IDEA's varied uses: Eileen L. Ordover and Kathleen B. Boundy, Center for Law and Education, Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities: A Primer for Advocates (1991).

  3. Contacts:

    1. Claudette M. Brown
      Advocates for Children and Youth, Inc.
      300 Cathedral Street, Suite 500
      Baltimore, MD 21201
      410-547-8690 (Fax)

    2. Peter E. Leone
      Department of Special Education
      College of Education
      University of Maryland
      College Park, MD 20742

    3. Joseph B. Tulman, Director
      District of Columbia School of Law
      Juvenile Law Clinic
      719 13th Street NW.
      Washington, DC 20005
      202-727-5242 (Fax)

    4. Loren Warboys, Managing Director
      Youth Law Center
      114 Sansome Street, Suite 950
      San Francisco, CA 94104
      415-956-9022 (Fax)

CHAPTER 4 -- Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&A's)

  1. The Statutes:

    1. Protection and Advocacy System for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PADD) PADD, 42 U.S.C. �� 6000-6083 (1996).

    2. Protection and Advocacy System for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) PAIMI, 42 U.S.C. �� 10801-10807 (1996).

    3. Protection and Advocacy System for Individual Rights (PAIR) PAIR, 29 U.S.C. � 794e (1996).

  2. Reports:

    1. National Association of Protection & Advocacy Systems, Inc., Annual Report of the P&A System 1995-1996 (1996).

  3. Contacts: (See State-by-State P&A list in appendix G)

CHAPTER 5 -- Administrative Procedure Acts (APA's)

  1. The Statutes:

    1. Federal Administrative Procedure Act 5 U.S.C.A. �� 551 et seq., 701 et seq., 3105, 3344 (1996).

    2. Model State Administrative Procedure Act Uniform Law Commissioner's Model State Administrative Procedure Act, 14 U.L.A. 70 (1981).

  2. Books and Articles About Administrative Procedure Acts:

    1. Arthur E. Bonfield and Michael Asimow, State and Federal Administrative Law (West Publishing Co. 1989).

    2. Arthur E. Bonfield, State Administrative Rule Making (Little Brown Co. 1965).

    3. Kenneth C. Davis, Administrative Law Treatise (2d ed. 1979).

    4. Walter F. Dickey, Rulemaking in Corrections: The Wisconsin Experience, 1983 Wis. L. Rev. 313 (1983).

    5. Arthur E. Bonfield, The Federal APA and State Administrative Law, 72 Va. L. Rev. 297 (1986).

    6. L. Jaffe, Judicial Control of Administrative Action (1965).

  3. Contacts:

    National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws 676 North Saint Clair Street, Suite 1700
    Chicago, IL 60611
    (write or call for a copy of the Model State APA)

    The Virginia Poverty Law Center
    201 West Broad Street, Suite 302
    Richmond, VA 23220
    804-649-3746 (Fax)
    [email protected]

CHAPTER 6 -- Self-Assessment

  1. Contacts:

    1. Marty Beyer
      1100 Walker Road
      Great Falls, VA 22066
      703-757-0293 (Fax)

    2. Susan Burrell
      Youth Law Center
      114 Sansome Street, Suite 950
      San Francisco, CA 94104
      415-956-9022 (Fax)

    3. National Center for Youth Law
      114 Sansome Street, Suite 900
      San Francisco, CA 94104

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