Summary of Transfer Provisions, 1997
State Judicial Waiver Direct File Statutory Exclusion Reverse Waiver Once an Adult/Always an Adult
Discretionary Mandatory Presumptive
Total States: 46 14 15 15 28 23 31
Alabama bullet       bullet   bullet
Alaska bullet   bullet   bullet    
Arizona bullet   bullet* bullet bullet bullet bullet
Arkansas bullet     bullet   bullet  
California bullet   bullet       bullet
Colorado bullet   bullet bullet   bullet  
Connecticut   bullet       bullet  
Delaware bullet bullet     bullet bullet bullet
Dist. of Columbia bullet   bullet bullet     bullet
Florida bullet     bullet bullet   bullet
Georgia bullet bullet   bullet bullet bullet  
Hawaii bullet       (r-97)   bullet
Idaho bullet       bullet   bullet
Illinois bullet bullet bullet   bullet    
Indiana bullet bullet     bullet   bullet
Iowa bullet       bullet bullet bullet
Kansas bullet   bullet   (r-96)   bullet
Kentucky bullet bullet       bullet  
Louisiana bullet bullet   bullet bullet    
Maine bullet           bullet
Maryland bullet       bullet bullet  
Massachusetts (r-96)     bullet bullet    
Michigan bullet     bullet     bullet
Minnesota bullet   bullet   bullet   bullet
Mississippi bullet       bullet bullet bullet
Missouri bullet           bullet
Montana bullet     bullet bullet    
Nebraska       bullet   bullet  
Nevada bullet   bullet   bullet bullet bullet
New Hampshire bullet   bullet       bullet
New Jersey bullet   bullet        
New Mexico         bullet    
New York         bullet bullet  
North Carolina bullet bullet          
North Dakota bullet bullet bullet       bullet
Ohio bullet bullet         bullet
Oklahoma bullet     bullet bullet bullet bullet
Oregon bullet       bullet bullet bullet
Pennsylvania bullet   bullet   bullet bullet bullet
Rhode Island bullet bullet bullet       bullet
South Carolina bullet bullet     bullet bullet  
South Dakota bullet       bullet bullet bullet
Tennessee bullet         bullet bullet
Texas bullet           bullet
Utah bullet   bullet   bullet   bullet
Vermont bullet     bullet bullet bullet  
Virginia bullet bullet   bullet   bullet bullet
Washington bullet       bullet   bullet
West Virginia bullet bullet          
Wisconsin bullet       bullet bullet bullet
Wyoming bullet     bullet   bullet  

Legend: bullet indicates the provision(s) allowed by each State as of the end of the 1997 legislative session; "r" indicates repealed; * indicates by court rule.


Trying Juveniles as Adults in Criminal Court: An Analysis of State Transfer Provisions December 1998