Acknowledgments This Report is the result of months of effort on the part of several individuals whose contributions are gratefully acknowledged. Melissa Sickmund, Senior Research Associate, had the initial vision for summarizing the findings of this research, and Terry Finnegan, Senior Computer Programmer, created the data base in which information on State transfer laws was collected, organized, and displayed for the appendix. Melanie Bozynski, Research Assistant, generated tables, Heather Zink, student intern, assisted with the work of analyzing and categorizing transfer provisions, and Diane Malloy, Administrative Assistant, made last minute changes. Heather Frey, editor at JJC, oversaw production of this Report. Michael Goodnow was the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Project Manager for this work. This Report was produced under the auspices of the Technical Assistance to the Juvenile Court Project at the National Center for Juvenile Justice.