Acknowledgments This report was made possible by the collaborative efforts of many people dedicated to making comprehensive, gender-specific services available to at-risk girls and female juvenile offenders in all communities. We wish to extend many thanks, first, to the consultants and members of the Gender-Specific Programming for Girls Advisory Committee who gave generously of their time and expertise to lead and shape this project. Board members are: Gladys Baxley, Joanne Belknap, Geraldine Brookins, Meda Chesney-Lind, Marian Daniel, Susan Flowers-Dixon, Barbara Dooley, Karen Francis, Henry Foster, Margaret Glenn, Barbara Guthrie, William Haynes, Lawanda Ravoira, Brenda Stegall, and Michaele White. At the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, several people played a key role in the development of this report: Shay Bilchik, Administrator; Emily Martin, Director of Training and Technical Assistance; and Ellen Shields-Fletcher, Program Manager. Sharon D. Peters, Carolyn M. Brown, and Lorraine Williams Greene provided invaluable expertise, assistance, and support through all phases of project development. Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to the directors and staff members of the promising programs we have highlighted here. They generously opened their facilities to our reviewers and shared their strategies so that other communities might benefit from their considerable knowledge, experience, and insight.