OJJDP News @ A GlanceOJP Seal
OJJDP News @ A Glance
            July | August 2011

printer friendly version button  Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention  ·  Jeff Slowikowski, Acting Administrator
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Did you know?
CrimeSolutions.gov is part of the Office of Justice Programs'
(OJP's) Evidence Integration Initiative (E2I) launched by Assistant Attorney General Robinson in 2009. The initiative's three goals are to improve the quantity and quality of evidence OJP generates; to
integrate evidence into
program, practice,
and policy decisions
at OJP and in the
field; and to improve
the translation of
evidence into practice.
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CrimeSolutions.gov logo
On June 22, 2011, the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) launched CrimeSolutions. gov, a central resource to inform practitioners and policymakers about what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime-victim services, and to help them integrate these findings into programmatic and policy decisions. Officially announced at the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ's) annual conference, the Web site offers a searchable database of 150 evidence-based programs covering a range of justice-related topics, including corrections, courts, crime
prevention, substance abuse, juveniles, law enforcement, technology
and forensics, and victims.

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