` OJJDP News @ a Glance - July/August 2008
OJJDP News @ a Glance bannerOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionOffice of Justice ProgramsOffice of Justice Programs seal
Top Story

Don’t Miss the 10th Annual EUDL Conference
Register today to save your spot at the 10th Annual Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program Conference. Sponsored by OJJDP and the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center, the conference, "A Notable History: Forging the Future," will be held August 21–23 in Nashville, TN. Registration is available online. more

Special Features

OJJDP Hosts Annual SRAD National Conference
Youth Gang Symposium Highlights Gang Prevention Methods
Tribal Training Conference To Focus on Juvenile Justice
Upcoming Conferences
Training Session Addresses CSEC

Other News

New Publications

Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems:
    OJJDP’s Comprehensive Gang Model
Highlights of the 2006 National Youth Gang Survey (Fact Sheet)
Juvenile Transfer Laws: An Effective Deterrent to Delinquency?
Violence by Teenage Girls: Trends and Context
    (Girls Study Group Bulletin)
News From the Coordinating Council
News From the Advisory Committee
OJJDP Staff News

Did You Know?

Underage drinking is widespread in the United States. Approximately 12.5 million underage youth drink each year. In 2005, according to self-reports by U.S. students in grades 9-12:

  • 74% had at least one drink of alcohol on one or more days during their life.
  • 26% had their first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips, before age 13.
  • 43% had at least one drink of alcohol on one or more occasions in the past 30 days.
  • 26% had five or more drinks of alcohol in a row (i.e., binge drinking) in the past 30 days.
  • 4% had at least one drink of alcohol on school property on one or more of the past 30 days.

For more information on underage drinking, see the article “Don’t Miss the 10th Annual EUDL Conference” in this issue and visit the Web site of the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC). UDETC was established by OJJDP to support its EUDL program.

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