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OJJDP Offers Enhanced Model Programs Guide
OJJDP's expanded online Model Programs Guide helps communities find evidence-based prevention and intervention programs that best suit their needs. more

Special Features

OJJDP Joins Federal Partnership for Disadvantaged Youth
2005 National Youth Summit Focuses on "Making a Difference"
2005 OJJDP National Youth Gang Symposium Goes "Beyond the Colors"
First Lady Salutes OJJDP-Sponsored Mentoring Program
OJJDP's National Youth Court Center Wins Award

Other News

New Publications
Funding Update
News From the Coordinating Council
News From the Advisory Committee

Did You Know?

The nation's juvenile population (ages 0-17) is projected to increase 8% between 1995 and 2015. California has the largest projected increase (34%), followed by Hawaii, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and New Mexico. Declines in juvenile population are projected for one-third of the states. West Virginia has the largest projected decline (14%), followed by Maine, Kentucky, Iowa, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

This information is from the OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book's Juvenile Population Characteristics section, which answers frequently asked questions about the juvenile population and provides an "Easy Access" tool for finding demographic data on juveniles at the national, state, and county levels.

July/August 2005Printer-Friendly Version icon

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