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Funding Update

This section of the newsletter highlights OJJDP’s current and upcoming solicitations, recent grant awards, and other funding-related developments. Be sure to check the OJJDP Web site regularly for the latest news on OJJDP funding opportunities.

Upcoming Solicitations

OJJDP soon will solicit FY 2002 funding applications under the following programs:

  • Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program. This program encourages communities to develop regional task forces to prevent, interdict, and investigate offenses involving the use of online technology to victimize children. To expand the ICAC program to areas that do not currently have a regional task force presence, this solicitation is limited to State and local law enforcement agencies in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, and the Greater San Francisco Bay area of California. Total funding of $1.8 million will be available for this program. OJJDP will award six cooperative agreements (one per area) of up to $300,000 for the 18-month project period.

  • Targeted Community Action Planning (TCAP): An Intensive Technical Assistance Program. By providing intensive technical assistance to States, communities, and American Indian/Alaska Native communities as part of the TCAP program, OJJDP sustains delinquency prevention efforts nationwide. The organization selected to provide this assistance will support at least 15 jurisdictions, helping them develop and deliver a targeted response to their most pressing juvenile justice issues. The assistance provided will be community based, results oriented, and the product of best practices and promising programs nationwide. OJJDP will fund the program for three 1-year budget periods. Up to $800,000 will be available for the first year.

For current application information, materials, and deadlines: Visit OJJDP’s Web site at and click on the “Grants & Funding” icon, or contact the Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse at 800–638–8736.

OJJDP News @ a Glance May/June 2002
Volume I Number 3

Special Feature Agency News New Publications Final Program Plan