Juvenile Offenders and Victims:
1999 National Report
Howard N. Snyder
Melissa Sickmund
National Center for Juvenile Justice
September 1999
Shay Bilchik, Administrator
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
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Foreword, Acknowledgments, Table of contents
Chapter 1: Juvenile population characteristics
Juvenile population
Juveniles in poverty
Living arrangements of juveniles
Births to teens
School dropouts
Chapter 1 sources
Chapter 2: Juvenile victims
Juvenile homicide victims
Firearm-related homicides of juveniles
Juvenile homicide victims by county
Age relationship between homicide victims and offenders
Juvenile suicide
International comparison of firearm-related homicides and suicides
Victimization survey of juveniles
Sexual assaults of young children
Victims of school crime
Time-of-day analysis of juvenile victimization
Victimization and drug use
Juveniles reporting crime to officials
Missing children
Child maltreatment
Processing abuse and neglect cases
Child maltreatment reports to child protective service agencies
Child maltreatment by gender of perpetrator
Chapter 2 sources
Chapter 3: Juvenile offenders
Self-report data vs. official statistics
Homicides by juveniles
Juvenile homicide offenders by county
Self-report survey on offending behavior
Victimization survey on victimizations committed by juveniles
Time-of-day analysis of violence by juveniles
School crime
High school students and weapons
Juvenile arrestees and weapons
Drug and alcohol use
Trends in drug and alcohol use
Drug use in relationship to offending
Juvenile cohort studies of criminal careers
The cost of juvenile crime
Chapter 3 sources
Chapter 4: Juvenile justice system structure and process
History and overview of the juvenile justice system
U.S. Supreme Court cases and the juvenile justice system
State definitions of juvenile jurisdiction
Differences in the juvenile and criminal justice systems
Juvenile justice system case processing
Juvenile court proceedings and confidentiality
State provisions for trying juveniles as adults
Sentencing structures
Chapter 4 sources
Chapter 5: Law enforcement and juvenile crime
Introduction to juvenile arrest data
Gender, age, and racial variations in juvenile arrests
Juvenile proportion of arrests
Juvenile arrest 5- and 10-year trends
Violent Crime Index arrest rates by State and county
Violent Crime Index arrest trends
Violent offense arrest and clearance trends
Property Crime Index arrest rates by State and county
Property Crime Index arrest trends
Property offense arrest and clearance trends
Predicting juvenile violent crime trends
Arrest rates for offenses other than Index crimes
Male and female arrest trends
Arrests of young juveniles
Police disposition of juvenile arrests
Chapter 5 sources
Chapter 6: Juvenile courts and juvenile crime
Introduction to Juvenile Court Statistics
Source of referral to juvenile court
Volume of delinquency cases
Age variations in delinquency cases
Gender variations in delinquency cases
Racial variations in delinquency cases
Informal case processing
Formal case processing
Delinquency case processing
Status offense cases
Status offense case processing
Judicial waiver
Criminal court case processing of transferred juveniles
Incarceration of convicted transfers
Sanctions of transferred juveniles and other under-18 felons
Prison sentences of transferred juveniles and adults
New research on juvenile transfers
Chapter 6 sources
Chapter 7: Juveniles in correctional facilities
Introduction to custody data
Juvenile custody rates by State
Offense profiles for juveniles in custody by State
Juveniles in custody by type of facility by State
Disproportionate minority confinement
Racial variations in juveniles in custody by State
Racial variations in custody rates by State
Females in custody
Length of stay for juveniles in custody
Security arrangements for juveniles in custody
Crowding in juvenile custody facilities
Deinstitutionalization of status offenders
Jailed juveniles
Juveniles in adult prisons
Death penalty
Chapter 7 sources
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, and the Office for Victims of Crime.
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