This Report is a product of the National Juvenile Court Data Archive, which is funded by grants to the National Center for Juvenile Justice from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), U.S. Department of Justice. Janet Chiancone is the OJJDP Program Manager for the project.
The entire staff of the National Juvenile Court Data Archive contributes to the collection and processing of the data presented in this Report:
Terrence A. Finnegan, Senior Computer Programmer
Eileen Poe-Yamagata, Research Analyst
Rowen S. Poole, Computer Programmer
Melissa Sickmund, Ph.D., Senior Research Analyst
Howard N. Snyder, Ph.D., Project Director
Anne L. Stahl, Manager of Data Collection
Dennis P. Sullivan, Data Analyst
Nancy Tierney, Administrative Assistant
Advisers to the Archive are Linda Bender, Pennsylvania Center for Juvenile Justice Training and Research; Alfred Blumstein, Carnegie Mellon University; Carol Burgess, Maricopa County (AZ) Juvenile Court (retired); David Farrington, Cambridge University; Daniel Kasprzyk, National Center for Education Statistics; and Malcolm Klein, University of Southern California. Their support and involvement are deeply appreciated.
Juvenile Court Statistics would not be possible were it not for the State and local agencies that take the time each year to honor our requests for data and documentation. The following agencies contributed case-level data or court-level aggregate statistics for this report:
AlabamaAlabama Department of Youth Services.
AlaskaAlaska Court System.
ArizonaSupreme Court of Arizona and the Maricopa County Juvenile Court Center.
ArkansasAdministrative Office of the Courts.
CaliforniaJudicial Council of California, the California Department of Justice, and the following county probation departments: Alameda, Kings, Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Joaquin, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, and Ventura.
ColoradoColorado State Judicial Department.
ConnecticutChief Court Administrator's Office.
DelawareFamily Court of the State of Delaware.
District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia Superior Court.
FloridaDepartment of Juvenile Justice.
GeorgiaAdministrative Office of the Courts, Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
HawaiiThe Judiciary and the Family Court of the First Circuit.
IdahoIdaho Supreme Court.
IllinoisAdministrative Office of the Illinois Courts, Probation Division, and the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Division.
IndianaDivision of State Court Administration.
IowaState Court Administrator.
KansasKansas Bureau of Investigation.
KentuckyKentucky Administrative Office of the Courts.
LouisianaJudicial Council of the Supreme Court of Louisiana.
MaineAdministrative Office of the Courts.
MarylandDepartment of Juvenile Justice.
MassachusettsAdministrative Office of the Courts.
MichiganState Court Administrative Office.
MinnesotaMinnesota Supreme Court Information System.
MississippiMississippi Department of Human Services, Division of Youth Services.
MissouriDepartment of Social Services, Division of Youth Services.
MontanaBoard of Crime Control and the Office of Court Administration.
NebraskaNebraska Crime Commission.
New HampshireNew Hampshire Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts.
New JerseyAdministrative Office of the Courts.
New MexicoChildren, Youth and Families Department.
New YorkOffice of Court Administration and the State of New York, Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives.
North CarolinaAdministrative Office of the Courts.
North DakotaSupreme Court, Office of State Court Administrator.
OhioSupreme Court of Ohio, the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Division, and the Ohio Department of Youth Services.
OklahomaOklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs.
OregonJudicial Department.
PennsylvaniaJuvenile Court Judges' Commission.
Rhode IslandAdministrative Office of State Courts and Rhode Island Family Court.
South CarolinaDepartment of Juvenile Justice.
South DakotaUnified Judicial System.
TennesseeTennessee Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
TexasTexas Juvenile Probation Commission and Criminal Justice Policy Council.
UtahUtah Administrative Office of the Courts.
VermontSupreme Court of Vermont, Office of the Court Administrator.
VirginiaDepartment of Family and Youth Services.
WashingtonOffice of the Administrator for the Courts.
West VirginiaWest Virginia Juvenile Justice Committee.
WyomingSupreme Court of Wyoming, Court Coordinator's Office.