Recommended Reading

Allen, Paula Gunn. 1992. The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions. Beacon Press, Boston, MA.

American Association of University Women. 1992. How Schools Shortchange Girls. Washington, D.C.

American Association of University Women. 1993. Hostile Hallways: The AAUW Survey on Sexual Harassment in America's Schools. Washington, D.C.

American Correctional Association. 1994. 1994 National Juvenile Female Offenders Conference: "A Time for Change" Monograph. Laurel, MD.

Baker Miller, Jean. 1976. Toward a New Psychology of Women. Beacon Press, Boston, MA.

Belenky, M., B. Clinchy, N. Goldberger, and J. Tarule. 1986. Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. Basic Books, New York, NY.

Belenky, M., B. Clinchy, N. Goldberger, and J. Tarule. 1996. Knowledge, Difference, and Power. Basic Books, New York, NY.

Bergsmann, Ilene. 1989. "The Forgotten Few: Juvenile Female Offenders." Federal Probation, pp. 73-78.

Buchwald, E., P. Fletcher, and M. Roth (eds.) 1993. Transforming a Rape Culture. Milkweed Editions, Minneapolis, MN.

Chesney-Lind, Meda, and Randall G. Shelden. 1992. Girls: Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, CA.

Debold, Elizabeth, Marie Wilson, and Idelisse Malave. 1993. Mother Daughter Revolution: From Good Girls to Great Women. Bantam Books, New York, NY.

Flansburg, Sundra. 1991. Building a Self: Teenaged Girls and Issues of Self-Esteem. Women's Educational Equity Act Publishing Center, Washington, D.C.

Fordham, Signithia. 1993. " `Those Loud Black Girls': (Black) Women, Silence, and `Passing' in the Academy." Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Vol. 24 (1), p. 91.

General Accounting Office. 1995. Juvenile Justice: Minimal Gender Bias Occurred in Processing Noncriminal Juveniles. GAO, Washington, D.C.

Giddings, Paula. 1984. When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America. William Morrow, New York, NY.

Gilligan, Carol. 1982. In a Different Voice. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Gilligan, Carol, and Lyn Mikel Brown. 1992. Meeting at the Crossroads. Ballantine Books, New York, NY.

Gilligan, Carol, Jill McLean Taylor, and Amy M. Sullivan. 1996. Between Voice and Silence: Women and Girls, Race and Relationship. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Girls Incorporated. 1996. Prevention and Parity: Girls in Juvenile Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Washington, D.C.

Golden, Marita, and Susan Richards Shreve (eds.). 1995. Skin Deep: Black Women and White Women Write About Race. Anchor Books, New York, NY.

Hancock, Emily. 1989. The Girl Within. Fawcett Columbine, New York, NY.

Hooks, Belle. 1992. Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. South End Press, Boston, MA.

Maniglia, Rebecca. 1996. "New Directions for Young Women in the Juvenile Justice System." Reclaiming Children and Youth: Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems 5 (2), pp. 96-101.

Miller, Dusty. 1994. Women Who Hurt Themselves. Basic Books, New York, NY.

Orenstein, Peggy. 1994. School Girls: Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap. Doubleday, New York, NY.

Pipher, Mary. 1994. Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. Ballantine Books, New York, NY.

Poe-Yamagata, E., and J.A. Butts. 1996. Female Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System: Statistics Summary. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Washington, DC.

Robinson, Tracy, and Jane Victoria Ward. 1991. " `A Belief in Self Far Greater than Anyone's Disbelief': Cultivating Resistance among African American Female Adolescents." Women, Girls, and Psychotherapy: Reframing Resistance, edited by C. Gilligan, A.G. Rogers, and D.L. Tolman, pp. 89-91. Hawthorn Press, Binghamton, NY.

Sadker, Myra, and David Sadker. 1994. Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, NY.

Taylor, Carl S. 1993. Girls, Gangs, Women, and Drugs. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, MI.

Valentine Foundation. 1990. A Conversation About Girls. Bryn Mawr, PA.

Wilson, Midge, and Kathy Russell. 1996. Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and White Women. Anchor Books, New York, NY.

Wolf, Naomi. 1991. The Beauty Myth. William Morrow and Company, New York, NY.

Youth Law Center. 1987. Working with Young Women in the Juvenile Justice System. San Francisco, CA.