Chapter 2: Sharing Information Is an
OJJDP Priority


Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

One of the publications released in 1997 helps educators and others who work with juveniles understand how they can share information while still complying with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law that limits the disclosure of information from a student's education records. This document was developed jointly by OJJDP and the U.S. Department of Education.

Sharing Information: A Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Participation in Juvenile Justice Programs gives an overview of FERPA and uses realistic scenarios to illustrate how information can be shared legally. For example, a teacher who witnesses a student threatening a classmate can share this information with law enforcement because it is based on personal observation, not on the student's educational record. The Guide also includes examples of court orders, interagency agreements, and State information-sharing statutes; FERPA regulations for reference; and information about additional resources and technical assistance. OJJDP has distributed more than 36,000 copies of the document; it is available from JJC.

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OJJDP Annual Report August 1998