Chapter 2: Sharing Information Is an
OJJDP Priority



For the past 2 years, OJJDP has been working on a technologically exciting new initiative -- a CD-ROM titled Reducing Youth Violence: A Comprehensive Approach. The Office believes that this is the first use of an interactive multimedia CD-ROM in the fields of criminal and juvenile justice.

The CD-ROM showcases promising and effective programs and resources that address youth violence. It includes 126 full publications, 27,000 document files, 13,000 pages of text, 420 charts and graphs, 1,260 program documents with 6,000 pages of text, and more than 560 graphic illustrations. It also refers viewers to additional resources, training, and technical assistance.

The Office has distributed 1,000 copies of the preliminary version and is now analyzing user feedback. After making modifications based on the feedback, OJJDP hopes to have a final version of the CD-ROM completed during the summer of 1998. The CD-ROM is being produced by OJJDP's grantee, the University of California at Riverside.

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OJJDP Annual Report August 1998