Chapter 1: Major Accomplishments in
1996 and 1997


Hate Crime Prevention

Increased racial, ethnic, and religious tensions and hate crimes are a nationwide concern. With funding from OJJDP to address this critical issue, the Education Development Center (EDC) of Newton, MA, developed Healing the Hate: A National Bias Crime Prevention Curriculum for Middle Schools.

The curriculum has been distributed to more than 9,000 juvenile justice policymakers, practitioners, judges, schools, and law enforcement personnel. During 1997, EDC conducted regional training sessions in Boston, Chicago, and Miami that were attended by multidisciplinary teams of school officials, teachers, students, law enforcement, prosecutors, and community leaders. EDC also made several presentations at education conferences for the U.S. Department of Education, which is a funding partner in this initiative.

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OJJDP Annual Report August 1998