Now live! OJJDP is excited to announce the launch of TTA360, the new OJJDP training and technical assistance (TTA) request system.
Streamlined and easy-to-use, the system allows OJJDP to centralize the intake of TTA requests through a single interface—resulting in an improved customer experience.
Because TTA360 is web-based, providers can access requests as soon as they are submitted. A request can be assigned to multiple providers, facilitating collaboration and a quick and efficient response.
Ten OJJDP-funded TTA projects conducted user testing and/or piloted TTA360 prior to the site launch. The system was also demonstrated at the October 2014 TTA provider meeting.
“TTA360 is user friendly,” said Vani Tangella of the OJJDP-sponsored National Family Drug Court TTA Program. “In our current capacity, we usually receive TTA requests primarily through email or phone, etc. With the launch of TTA360, all requesters can potentially send requests from a centralized location. TTA360 provides the opportunity to respond to TTA requests in a faster and more efficient manner and helps to standardize the information collected across all requests.”
Using the system, requesters can choose a specific provider or select multiple providers from an easily accessible online directory, which includes program and contact information, related training and resources, and eligibility requirements. Users can also interact with providers, enquire about the status of their requests, and update requests at any time, simply by logging in to their TTA360 accounts.
With the launch of this new database, OJJDP is equipped with greater reporting capabilities. The Office can now report real-time data on TTA activities, evaluate the time it takes a request to move from acceptance to successful completion, and monitor the training and technical assistance delivered by its providers.
All OJJDP TTA providers will be required to use TTA360 by mid-July 2015.
To learn more about TTA360, read the TTA360 FAQs and user guide.
Training and technical assistance is available from OJJDP’s provider network through various means including online, onsite technical assistance, and resource identification.
A Help Desk is available to assist users complete the TTA request.