This is an archive of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP's) electronic newsletter OJJDP News @ a Glance. The information in this archived resource may be outdated and links may no longer function. Visit our website at for current information.
July | August 2014

News From the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice

Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice logoIn September 2014, the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice (FACJJ) will submit its 2013 report to the OJJDP Administrator with recommendations in four areas of major concern to the juvenile justice community:

  • Studying, disseminating, and implementing evidence-based programs and practices.
  • Increasing youth engagement and involving youth with current or prior system involvement in the shaping of policies and practices at the federal, state, and local levels.
  • Setting school engagement (i.e., keeping youth in school and out of court) as a major priority in juvenile justice reform, and more widely disseminating research findings on school discipline to practitioners and policymakers.
  • Identifying and reducing disproportionality in the juvenile justice and related systems.

In the coming weeks, the report may be accessed at the FACJJ Web site.

FACJJ’s annual in-person meeting is currently scheduled for October 20–21, 2014. Meeting details will be provided to the public closer to the date of the meeting.

FACJJ meetings are open to the public; anyone may register to attend and observe. Additional information is available on the committee’s Web site.

The Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice is a consultative body established by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended (Section 223), and is supported by OJJDP. Composed of members of state advisory groups on juvenile justice, the committee advises the President and Congress on matters related to juvenile justice, evaluates the progress and accomplishments of juvenile justice activities and projects, and advises the OJJDP Administrator on the work of OJJDP.