May, 1999
Compiled By:
Kimberly S. Craig, M. A.
University of Illinois at Springfield
Cindy J. Smith, Ph.D.
University of Baltimore
Barbara Hayler, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Springfield
P. Lynn Pardie, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Springfield
Prepared under Grant No. 98-JN-FX-0006 from the Office
of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office
of Justice Programs, U.S.
Department of Justice.
Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official position
or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice.
A juvenile sex offender typology: feasibility study of file data
collection (Grant No. 98-JN-FX-0006). Washington, DC: Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice
Programs, U. S. Department of Justice.
The authors compiled a bibliography of literature on juvenile
male and female sex offenders, and general child growth and development.
Because limited information is available on juvenile female sex
offenders, the bibliography also includes literature on adult female
sex offenders. A comprehensive literature search, which began in
the Spring, 1998 and continued through April, 1999, resulted in
the collection of 517 bibliographic entries (417 juvenile sex offender
entries and 100 general growth and development entries).
Potential juvenile sex offender bibliographic entries were identified
through a number of on-line computer searches using the term sex
offender(s) combined with the following search terms: adolescent,
boy, child, female, girl, juvenile, male, teen, teenage, young,
youth and youthful. Relevant materials were also identified
through references used in existing publications.
The following multidisciplinary computerized databases were searched
in the Spring and Fall of 1998 for relevant articles, books, and
reports: Applied Science and Technology, Article 1st, CARL Uncover,
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature),
Contemporary Women's Issues, ERIC, Criminal Justice Abstracts,
Expanded Academic ASAP, FirstSearch, General Science Abstracts,
GPO Access (MOCAT), Health Reference Center, Humanities Abstracts,
Illinet Online, LegalTrac, Lexis Academic Universe, LEXIS/NEXIS,
Library Literature, MedLine, National Criminal Justice Database,
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service), Periodical Abstracts,
Psych INFO, Reader's Guide Abstracts, Social Science Abstracts,
Wilson, and World Cat.
The usefulness of a bibliography is grounded in the availability
of the materials. Materials identified through the computerized
searches were collected. If the materials were unavailable through
library loan, they were omitted from the bibliography. Each article,
book, book chapter, and report was reviewed to determine its applicability
to juvenile sexual offending or female adult sexual offending.
Materials collected for the bibliography that did not discuss topics
relevant to our purposes were deleted from the collection.
Collected materials were reviewed and divided into seven major
categories by the research team. Categories were further subdivided
into individual sections as appropriate.
A separate representative collection of articles focusing on
child growth and development was identified by the psychologist
on the research team. This collection, which includes materials
relevant to cognitive and moral development, and emotional and
behavioral control, are included in a separate categorical bibliography.
The growth and development literature was kept separate from the
alphabetical bibliography to allow the user to distinguish between
sex offender and developmental literature.
It should also be noted that a limited number of readily available
masters theses and doctoral dissertations were collected for inclusion
in this bibliography. If you are the author of a publication, thesis,
or dissertation that does not appear in this bibliography, please
provide us with a full copy of the publication and the process
by which other users may obtain copies, and we will be happy to
add it to our collection. In addition, if you are the author of
a publication that is incorrectly cited in our bibliography, please
pardon our error and provide us with a corrected citation and we
will make the appropriate corrections.
Cindy J. Smith, Ph.D.
University of Baltimore
1420 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Telephone 410-837-6087
Fax 410-837-6051
[email protected]